We Offer An Array of Waterjet and Abrasive Jet Cutting Services Tailored For Your Specific Application Needs


Services Offered

Custom part - water jet cutting service - Custom machine work - turnkey parts - surface finishing - reliable service - expedited service available

Machine services

milling - Drilling - engraving - counter bores - tapping - grinding - counter sinks - etching - bending - precision bevels

surface finishing

electro polish - Sand blasting - passivate - anodize - coating

materials in stock

stainless steel 304, 316

carbon steel a36, a516-70, a514, a572-50

api 2h gr 50

aluminum 6061, 5052

some nickel alloy


Other material available for your specific application needs

Emergency Service After Hours

We are available 24/7

As a trusted supplier to the petrochemical industry, we understand that asap means right now!